Friday, May 26, 2006

To Restore The Blood

Chinese red date tea

The chinese red date (Hung Tsao, Da Zao, Da Tsao, jujube, ziziphus jujube) is commeonly used in a restorative tea for afterbirth or mentruation or for anyone who has suffered blood loss.
Red dates are native to china, Japan, India, and Afghanistan and are not like the brown Egyptain sugary dates. the are a very bright red color, small and oval-shaped with very shiny, deeply wrinkled skin like a walnut. they taste sweet but not too sweet. You can purchase them in Chinese markets in plastic packages. Make sure you remove the stones for this tea (it is sometimes possible to purchase stoneless dates).

6-8 Chinese red dates
tea of your choice
rock sugar to taste
3 cups (850ml) water

Pick out 6-8 dates rinse them in cold water. Carefully cut them in half and remove the stone. Put them into a pot with the tea of your choice. Boil the water and pour it over the dates and tea. Add a little rock sugar and allow to sit for 5 minutes before drinking

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