Wednesday, June 07, 2006

For Diarrhea or Loose Bowels

Mung bean tea

Mung beans are small beans with green skins and yellow flesh. Whole mung beans can be sprouted and the sprouts used in the stir-fries. split mung beans without their skins can be used whole or ground into a fine flour. For this recipe buy pale yellow mung bean flour from Asian stores or grind your own with a pestle and mortar or in a spice or coffee grinder. It is important to use white sugar for this recipe.

tea of your choice
1 teaspoon mung bean flour
3 cups (850 ml) water
white sugar

Put some tea of your choice into a pot with a teaspoon of mung bean flour. Bring the water to a boil and pour into the pot. Add a little sugar if you wish, cover and leave sit for 2-3 minutes before drinking.

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